P90X - Day 4 & Day 5 - FearlessLeeFit.com

P90X – Day 4 & Day 5

I got a really bad fever right before lunch yesterday and had to come home early. My whole body still aches from the first 3 days of workout and on top of that the joints are hurting bad. I guess it’s from the flu.

The pain was unbearable even when I was in bed. I slept for 14 hours straight and woke up early this morning and rested a bit more before I pushed Play again.

Today, I did Yoga X. The program is about an hour and a half long but I only did an hour. I tried my best. Surprisingly, the pain sort of faded away when I was half way through and I felt much better after that.

My body is still weak from the flu but the muscle aches and joints aren’t hurting as much. I was doubting if I could continue but now I feel a lot more confident about the Legs & Back workout tomorrow.

Here’s a post about what to expect during P90X.

** Added 1/17/13: You can see my final P90X result here.

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