Al’s P90X Insanity Transformation Story
This is how I lost 33 lbs, 16% body fat and 8 inches off my waist!
Hi! My name is Al Lee. I’m an independent Team Beachbody coach. Here’s my story about becoming healthy and fit. And I’m going to teach you how so read on…
I’m a regular 35 year-old guy, married with a beautiful wife and 2 wonderful children. I work for a telecommunications company and my hours are ridiculously long and odd at times. I spent most of my day sitting in front of the computer and did no exercise at all. I loved eating buffets, cheese burgers, chicken wings, and enjoyed drinking at least once a week. Nothing too crazy but 5-6 beers each time were the norm.
My cholesterol had always been high (around 230; went up to 304 in 2010!!!) and I did nothing about it and was too afraid to go back to the doctor. I was always too tired to even playing with my kids and would prefer sitting on my ass and watching TV.
I’ve gained a LOT of weight in the past few years by doing nothing! And my man boobs (or “moobs”) weren’t getting smaller either.

Yikes…the triple chin action!
One day at a party, a friend of mine told me that he was doing P90X. I had heard about it on the radio and have probably seen its infomercials on TV but I had no interest at all. In the subsequent months, I tried several other what I thought were the “easy” weight lose programs such as the infamous Lemon Water Diet and the good ole fasting. I lost about 10 lbs from these programs in 2 weeks time. Boy was I excited! Problem was as soon as I started eating even the regular portion I started gaining weight like crazy. I went from 175 to 187 lbs in a couple of months. I was freaking out because never in my life had I gone above 182 lbs.
I realized that it was time I take it seriously! I need to have a drastic change!

Day 1 “Before” Picture
I started looking into P90X again. One evening in October 2012, I popped in the first video and started following the routines. I didn’t even have any dumbbells or resistance bands but I was determined to move forward regardless. The first 2 days of the workout was extremely tough because I had hardly done any physical activities prior. I almost puked 15 minutes into the warm-ups. I could barely walk right the first week.
I learned how to do it the right way.
During the journey, I also have learned how to eat healthy and understanding what my body really needs. I realized that nutrition will contribute to 80% of the success. I knew that I must change my lifestyle and started eating healthy! I started tracking my workout on Team Beachbody’s website (free to signup), recording my weight as well as logging my diet on a daily basis, without fail!
My goals were simple: I wanted to lose fat and lower my weight to 170 lbs, lower my cholesterol and see if I could get ripped.
Well, everything got easier started the second week and I’m so glad that I didn’t give up when I got sick on the first week. I stayed the course and completed the program!
Pushing play everyday is key but I also had great support. Without the support of my great coach and making myself accountable in a workout group, I couldn’t have made it this far.
You betcha! As of 1/10/2013, my weight went from 187 lbs to 165 lbs (beating my goal weight by 5 lbs!) my body fat percentage went from 23% to 11% — all in just 90 days! Here’s my before-and-after comparison of my P90X result.
I started INSANITY/P90X hybrid on 2/1/2013 and started drinking Shakeology at the same time. I’m absolutely loving the taste of Shakeology Chocolate! It has a bunch of superfood that my body needs (click here to learn more). I completed the program on 4/7/2013.
Update 4/4/2013: My latest blood test report showed that my cholesterol went down to 184 from 304…yay!! To read my victory over cholesterol, click here.
I’m also seeing my six packs abs for the first time in my life!! Now that I’ve been there and done that (and still push play everyday!), I want to help others achieve their fitness goals.
Tired of thinking about getting Great Results? LET ME HELP YOU!
If you want to get the same or even better result, make me your coach for free and I can show you how. Having a coach to motivate and support you is extremely important so don’t do it alone!
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Coach Al
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